Andrew J Litteken

I am currently a Quantum Software Research Scientist at Intel Labs where I am working on the Intel Quantum Compiler and the Intel Quantum SDK.
I recently graduated with a PhD in Computer Science at the University of Chicago in June 2023 where I was advised by Fred Chong. My area of study was compilers for quantum computing.
Previously, I was a software consultant with ColdQuanta. I also worked at Apple developing optimizations for the LLVM Compiler during two internships where I developed the IR Similarity Identifier and Outliner.
The Details
- CV/Resume: Long, Short (Last Updated August 20th, 2024)
- List of Publications
- Teaching
Other Projects
- IR Similarity Identifier and IROutliner for LLVM (RFC) (Talk 1) (Talk 2)
- Crack A Card: A Magic: The Gathering Widget Customizer
- Dumbell: The basics of a programming language built on dependency resolution.
- Undergrad Projects
Some other interests outside of work and programming projects:
- Open Water Swimming
- Running
- Skiing
- Cooking/Baking
- Photography